COA Annual Awards

The COA’s Annual Awards recognize members who have distinguished themselves through their exemplary contributions, influence and commitment to improving the Canadian orthopaedic community.  Awarded each year at the Annual Meeting, the Service Awards are high honours bestowed on a member by the Canadian Orthopaedic Association.

Celebrating the 2024 COA Awards of Distinction Recipients

We are thrilled to celebrate the recipients of the awards presented at the COA | CORS | CORA Annual Meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from June 12-15. These annual awards recognize excellence, innovation, and dedication within the orthopaedic community.

Congratulations to all the award winners for their exceptional achievements. Their passion, commitment, and dedication continue to propel our specialty and organization to new heights.

How Do I Nominate an Award Recipient?
  • All voting members of the COA are eligible to submit the name(s) of nominated candidates throughout the nomination period.
  • Voting members must be in good standing and maintain one of the following membership categories within the COA:
    • Active (and those in the 50% reduction dues category in their first year of practice).
    • Active International (and those in the 50% reduction dues category in their first year of practice).
  • Submit the name of your candidate, the award you are nominating them for, and why you feel they are an appropriate recipient.
  • Nominees must be a member in good standing of the COA. Non-member nominees can be submitted for special consideration.
  • A nominee can be the past or current recipient of another COA Award.
  • Nominations for the 2025 Awards are being accepted in the New Year
How Are Candidates Selected?
  • All candidates will be reviewed and considered by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
  • Selected award recipients are notified by the President.
  • Only one recipient per award will be selected each year, unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors.
  • A recipient can receive each award only once, unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors.
  • Awards may be presented posthumously.
  • If a nominee is not selected for the award, they may be nominated again in a subsequent year.

Nomination & Selection

Nominations for the 2025 Awards of Distinction open next year

Presidential Award for Excellence

Current Recipient (2024) – Dr. Hans Kreder

  • Awarded in recognition of overall excellence in the advancement of orthopaedic research, education, health-care organization, advocacy and standards of care.
  • Recipients of this award are selected by the COA President.
Service to the COA

Current Recipient (2024) – Dr. Kenneth Hughes

  • Awarded in recognition of outstanding service and contributions to the Canadian Orthopaedic Association and its members.
  • Recipients are recognized for their engagement and active participation in COA events, programs and projects, leadership, and in advancing the COA’s Mission.
Changemaker Award

Current Recipient (2024) – Dr. Pascal A. Vendittoli

  • Awarded in recognition of outstanding service and contributions to improving the orthopaedic community and specialty through advocacy, leadership and humanitarianism.
  • Recipients are recognized for their substantial contribution to improving the quality of life, culture, opportunities and diverse representation within the orthopaedic community at the national, regional and/or international level.
Lifetime Achievement

Current Recipient (2024) – Dr. Nicholas Mohtadi

  • Awarded in recognition of many years of exceptional service and consistent contributions to the orthopaedic community and to the COA over a significant period of time.
  • Presented to individuals who have made a sustained impact nationally and internationally on the growth of the profession and who have maintained the highest standard of patient care in their practice.
  • Recipients must be a strong and positive role model in the community and an exemplary mentor and educator.
  • This award recognizes lifetime service rather than a single or shorter-term contribution.
Emerging Leader

Current Recipients (2024) – Drs. Cassandra Lane Dielwart and Marie-Lyne Nault

  • Awarded in recognition of exceptional service and contributions to the orthopaedic community and to the COA within early practice.
  • Recipients are recognized for their early commitment and service that have made a significant difference within the orthopaedic specialty at the national and/or regional level.
  • This award recognizes service by members who are in early practice.

Award Descriptions


Past Award Recipients

We continue to honour those who were previously
recognized through COA award programs.

Click here to see past award recipients