The 2025 Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts and Call for Symposium Topics is now open!

Submit abstracts or symposia topics for consideration at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC from June 11-14.

Abstracts will be blindly reviewed based on scientific merit, relevance, proper study protocol, new information, and completeness of the study. Acceptance notifications will be sent out in the New Year.

Submission deadline: November 4, 23:59 PT


Submit Abstracts Submit Symposia

Submission Guidelines and Instructions

Call for Abstracts

Submission Process:

  • Once you have completed the Conflict of Interest Disclosure (COI) form for the presenter, you may begin your submission. The button will not appear until this step is completed.
  • Each submission requires a presenter and the full names and valid email addresses for all authors.
  • Medical students and allied health care professionals are eligible to submit abstracts
  • Proofread before submitting.
  • Note: Abstracts not accepted at the podium may be offered a poster presentation.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Maximum word count of 500 for all content sections combined (Purpose, Method, Results and Conclusion, References).
  • Inclusion of 1-2 figures is optional (copy and paste into the text box)
  • Do not make reference to identifiers regarding where or by whom the study was conducted, to avoid compromising the blind review process. e.g. abstract authors’ names, academic centre, city, or affiliated hospital.
  • Numbers should be set out as follows:
    • One to nine – in words, with larger numbers printed numerically (e.g. 10, 52, 120)
    • Use the percentage sign e.g. 20% (not ‘percent’ in words, unless the number is also written in full at the beginning of a sentence)
    • When a sentence begins with a number, write it out in full (e.g. ‘Eighty-five percent’)
    • Use capitals for proper names, titles, geographical names, trade names. NO CAPS LOCK.

Additional Instructions for Residents (CORA)

  • All resident submissions (podium and e-poster) should be submitted through either the COA or CORS program track/category.
  • If you would like your paper to be considered for presentation in the CORA All Stars Resident Highlights Paper Session (limited spots available), please check the appropriate box during the submission process. Papers submitted to the CORA All Stars Session will be reviewed and selected by the Annual Meeting Program Committee.

Call for Symposia


  • Symposia = Cutting edge topics discussed by a panel.
  • Each session is 60-90 minutes

Each proposal should include:

  • Session title
  • 1-2 Moderator name(s)
  • A brief outline of the topic and how it will be addressed (250 words)
  • Potential speakers/panelists – Please keep your faculty to a maximum of 4 speakers/panelists in order to have the appropriate discussion time per the Royal College accreditation guidelines (25% of all sessions must be allocated to interactivity).
  • Point form educational objectives (2-4)

Please email  with any questions.