Travelling Fellowships


(North American Travelling Fellowship)

Now accepting applications for the 2025 NATF  Tour until January 15!

General Information

The NAT Fellowship traditionally involves a tour of the US and Canada by one (1) Canadian fellow and four (4) US fellows. The tour begins in the fall of every odd year (i.e. 2025, 2027 etc.)

2025 NATF Tour – Deadline to apply: January 15

Now accepting applications for the 2025 NATF  Tour, this unique opportunity is open to COA members in good standing who completed their orthopaedic residency within the past five years. The COA’s Exchange Fellowships Committee will select one Canadian fellow to join four colleagues chosen by the American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) for an unforgettable 5-week tour of top orthopaedic centres across Canada and the U.S. in the fall of 2025.

Deadline to apply: January 15, 2025.

Click Here to Apply
Tour Diaries

Learn more about the fellowship experience from the fellows themselves through past travel blogs or through the links below.

Dr. Bashar Alolabi’s 2015 NATF tour

The North American Travelling Fellowship (NATF) commenced in 1968. The first group of Fellows began their tour in Washington, and then visited a number of orthopaedic centres throughout the United States and Canada.

This Fellowship was originally designated for orthopaedic surgeons who had recently completed their orthopaedic residency and were in their first years of practice. The eligibility was eventually extended to include applicants up to five (5) years following completion of their training.