78th COA Annual Meeting | 57th CORS Annual Meeting

Presenter and Moderator Guidelines

Podium and Symposium Presenters

Link to optional PowerPoint slide template, including the (mandatory) disclosure slide. 


  • May 1: Deadline to change author and presenter detailsNote: The submitter is responsible for providing accurate information for all authors and failure to do so may result in an author’s name being removed from the program.
  • May 15: Deadline to complete Conflict of Interest Disclosure form. Authors who do not submit disclosure information will be removed from the program. Note: Only presenting author is required to disclose. If the disclosure button is RED once logged in, click on it to complete and submit your form. If the button is GREEN, you have completed this step and already submitted your form.
  • June 5: Deadline to upload slides to speaker platform. Your unique link was emailed to you on May 30 from ‘Encore Support’. Please email c1-can@encoresupport.com if you have any issues uploading your presentation.

Please review the following guidelines: 

  1. Registration: All presenters are required to register and pay in full for the annual meeting.
  2. Presentation Date and Time:
    • All talks will be presented in-person, in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
    • Please refer to the detailed online program for your presentation time. Search/filter by your last name and scroll through the days to view the date and time of your talk(s).
      Note: We have made every effort to schedule talks to allow authors with multiple presentations to travel between sessions and present without time conflicts. Please contact education@canorth.org with any concerns.

  3. Length of Presentations:
    • For podium (abstract) presentations: 6-minute presentations, 3-minutes for discussion. Strict adherence to time limits will be enforced.
    • For Symposia/ICL/Other Sessions: Length at the discretion of the session moderator. See online program.
  4. Instructions for ALL On-Site Presenters:
    • An annual meeting PPT slide template is available should you wish to use it for your presentation.
    • Mandatory: To be compliant with Royal College accreditation, each talk must include a statement of financial disclosure. A sample slide is provided in the downloadable template above. If there is nothing to disclose, please state this.
    • NEW! We encourage presenters to include a slide containing 2-3 self-learning tips/resources at the end of their presentation, related to their talk topic. E.g. scientific papers, upcoming conferences, books, podcasts, etc.
    • All patient identifiers must be removed from the presentation.
  1. Format Instructions:
    • Bring a copy of your PowerPoint presentation (“talk”) on a USB drive. Email yourself a backup copy. A Speaker Ready Room will be available on-site.
    • Aspect ratio: Screen and projector are set to present 16:9 ratio. Slides in a 4:3 ratio will still appear on the screen, but will have black bars on either side of the screen.
    • Avoid live links in talks. Internet connection is unlikely to be available on the presenter laptops.
    • The audiovisual projection system will include a Personal Computer (PC). We are unable to accommodate speakers’ laptops. No Macintosh computers or adapters will be available.
  2. Uploading Slides: Slide decks must be uploaded to our system by June 5. Your unique link was emailed to you on May 30 from ‘Encore Support’. Please email c1-can@encoresupport.com if you have any issues uploading your presentation.
  3. For accredited sessions, please keep in mind the following: 
    • Product-specific advertising, promotional materials or branding strategies cannot be included in or appear adjacent to any educational materials in accredited sessions (e.g. slides, abstracts, handouts, programs, activity webpages or electronic media containing educational material) and appear in locations where accredited CPD sessions are occurring (e.g. lecture halls, small group discussion rooms) immediately before, during or immediately after an accredited CPD activity.
    • Any incentive provided to participants associated with an accredited CPD activity must be approved by the CPD provider organization.
    • If your presentation includes discussion of a product that is relevant to the educational topic, or part of a care path (e.g. a hospital department app or implant), please use generic terms and not product-specific language.
    • For more details, download the complete National Standard document here(note Element 6 on commercial promotion).


E-Poster Presenters


Please review the following guidelines:

  1. Preparing your poster:
    • Accepted posters will be displayed virtually through our online poster platform.
    • Click here to upload your poster. Uploading Step-by-Step:
      • Once you are logged into the platform (same email and password that is used for all COA activities), you will see a list of your submissions.
      • All accepted posters for which you are the presenter will display a ‘poster upload’ button.
      • Click to upload your one-slide poster in either a PDF or JPEG format.
    • For best results, your poster should be prepared as a high-resolution PowerPoint slide (one slide in landscape orientation, layout 16 x 9), saved as a PDF document.
    • Recommended font types: Arial, Calibri, Verdana, Times New Roman or Helvetica. Please note: Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and videos are not permitted, however QR codes may be included.

  2. Registration: To participate in the virtual program (submit e-poster, see all e-posters, and have access to virtual material post-meeting), you must register.
    Select “Virtual Poster Non-Attending Presenter” if you are submitting an e-poster but not attending the in-person meeting. If you plan on attending the meeting in Halifax (in-person), you must register as a meeting participant, which will also give you access to the virtual content.

  3. Interacting with meeting participants: Poster presenters will be asked to monitor online discussion related to their poster at least once daily during the conference dates and respond to any questions/comments. This can be done through the mobile app (‘COA Events’).
Moderator Guidelines

See the PowerPoint Template

Please refer to the COA’s Code of Conduct. Our goal is to ensure a respectful, inclusive, and professional environment dedicated to scientific and professional growth.

  1. Responsibilities prior to the session you are moderating:
    • Upload your Conflict of Disclosure slide (see template) to the speaker platform. Your unique link was emailed to you on May 30 from ‘Encore Support’. Please email c1-can@encoresupport.com if you have any issues uploading your slide.
    • Please review each speakers’ disclosure information. Disclosures are listed under each author in the mobile app (‘COA Events’) or in the online program. In the event that a conflict of interest is of significant concern, please email education@canorth.org. g. Where the conflict and the content of the topic make minimization of bias very difficult.
    • If you are moderating a paper/podium session, please review all abstracts, found in the online program or mobile app (‘COA Events’). If you wish to receive pdf copies of the abstracts, please email education@canorth.org.
    • Other helpful tips:
      • Prepare questions to stimulate discussion as needed.
      • Bring a time-keeping device (e.g. cell phone) to keep the session on schedule.
  2. Responsibilities at the start of the session:
    • Take a seat at the moderator’s table at the front of the room. Introduce yourself and state any important announcements. COA Staff will leave a coloured sheet of paper on the podium with any relevant updates.
    • At the beginning of the session, moderators must disclose any conflicts of interest verbally and using a slide. See information above.
  3. Responsibilities during the session:
    • Ensure presentation times/lengths are respected.
    • Facilitate the question-and-answer discussion period.
    • If a presenter is not present at the time of their talk, proceed to the next presentation and move the delayed talk to the end.
    • If you perceive a real or potential conflict of interest during a presentation, please record the name, title of talk/abstract number and the concern and send it to education@canorth.org.
  4. Responsibilities at the end of the session:
    • Thank speakers and participants
    • Remind delegates to fill out the electronic evaluation form in the mobile app or online to obtain CME credits.